

全国学习专线 8:00-22:00
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济南亚美欧国际英语特约主讲老师 Jerelle
  • 姓 名: Jerelle
  • 当前等级:特约主讲
  • 所属学校: 济南亚美欧国际英语
  • 授课类别:面授


教 龄:7
职业感悟:I have always loved to help people, and teaching English is a great opportunity for me to share my knowledge of the language with students who are eager to learn.
简介 About:
Hi, my name is Jerelle but you can call me JoJo. I come from the small town of Fallon, Nevada.
I received my bachelors from the University of Nevada, Reno.
I have always loved to help people, and teaching English is a great opportunity for me to share my knowledge of the language with students who are eager to learn.
From an early age I always wanted to experience different cultures and travel the world, and what better place to start than the economic powerhouse of China.
I look forward to my time here in Qingdao, making new friends and forming good relationships with my students. I know by living here I will become a more fulfilled  and knowledgeable man.

关于我们 | 联系我们 | 济南亚美欧国际英语地址:济南市市中区经七纬 咨询电话:400-882-1633
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