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济南亚美欧国际英语特约主讲老师 Will
  • 姓 名: Will
  • 当前等级:特约主讲
  • 所属学校: 济南亚美欧国际英语
  • 授课类别:面授


教 龄:5
职业感悟:I hope this gives you some idea of my approach, and perhaps I will have a chance to teach you or a relation at some point. If so, I look forward to meeting you!
简介 About:
Hi, I'm Will. As in "I will go to school today", a joke I've made about 173 times by this point! I'm from a small town near London, in England, though given I've lived in Qingdao for about five years now, it's almost like a second home town. Likewise, I've worked for Amio for around five years, and in general I've found it to be a very satisfying place to work, with great students and talented colleagues. Teaching is something I've always had an interest in, mostly because I love to share ideas with others and broaden people's horizons. I think the job is as it's best when there is a mutual exchange of knowledge and creative ideas rather than a simple lecture, and I try to reflect this in my teaching style. I've also discovered a great joy in teaching younger children, as their enthusiasm, energy and creativity never ceases to amaze me. Not to mention that with kids you can always have a lot of fun with games and activities as you learn, which is another great passion of mine. Well, that and throwing around a toy TNT, of course! Anyway, I hope this gives you some idea of my approach, and perhaps I will have a chance to teach you or a relation at some point. If so, I look forward to meeting you!

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